TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – Today, Governor Ron DeSantis announced the appointment of Jay Reeve, Clara Reynolds, Kelly Gray-Eurom, Bill Prummell, Mark Mahon and Larry Rein to the Commission on Mental Health and Substance Abuse, designating Prummell as Chair.


Jay Reeve

Reeve, of Tallahassee, is President and Chief Executive Officer of The Apalachee Center. Previously, he was a Senior Psychologist at Bradley Hospital in Providence, Rhode Island and a Clinical Assistant Professor at Brown University. Reeve is a Past Chairman of the Board of the Florida Council for Community Mental Health and a recipient of the National Council for Community Mental Health’s Award of Excellence. He earned his bachelor’s degree from Tufts University, master’s degree from Harvard University and doctor of philosophy from Adelphi University.


Clara Reynolds

Reynolds, of Tampa, is President and Chief Executive Officer of the Crisis Center of Tampa Bay. Previously, she was Executive Director of Success 4 Kids & Families and a social worker in Hillsborough County Public Schools. Reynolds is Chair of the Central Florida Behavioral Health Network and an Executive Committee Member of the Junior League of Tampa. She earned her bachelor’s degree in psychology and master’s degree in social work from Florida State University and a master of business administration from the University of Tampa.


Kelly Gray-Eurom

Gray-Eurom, of Jacksonville, is a Board Certified Emergency Medicine Physician at UF Health Jacksonville and a Professor in the Department of Emergency Medicine at the University of Florida College of Medicine. She is a member of the American Board of Emergency Medicine and a American College of Emergency Physicians Fellow. Gray-Eurom earned her doctor of medicine from the University of Vermont College of Medicine and completed her residency at the University of Florida College of Medicine.


Bill Prummell

Prummell is the Sheriff of Charlotte County and a 29-year veteran in law enforcement. He is the Treasurer of the Florida Sheriff’s Association, a member of the International Association of Police Chiefs and served as Chair of Drug Free Charlotte County. Prummell earned his bachelor’s degree in criminology from St. Leo University, master of business administration from IMPAC University and master’s degree in criminal justice from American Public University.


Mark Mahon

Mahon is the Chief Judge of Florida’s Fourth Judicial Circuit Court where he oversees the court’s Mental Health Offender Program. Mahon is a former member of the Florida House of Representatives and a former Assistant State Attorney. He is a former Chairman of the Jacksonville Transportation Authority and previously served on the Jacksonville Metropolitan Planning Organization. Mahon earned his bachelor’s degree in business and his juris doctorate from Florida State University.


Larry Rein

Rein, of Fort Lauderdale, is Chief Executive Officer of ChildNet. He is Vice Chair of the Florida Coalition for Children Foundation, a former member of the Broward County Children’s Services Council and a recipient of the Mental Health Association of Broward’s Epic Award. Rein earned his bachelor’s degree in psychology from Columbia University and master’s degree in school psychology from St. John’s University.




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