Office of Adoption and Child Protection
Phone: (850) 717-9261
Office of Adoption and Child Protection
The Office of Adoption and Child Protection was created, within the Executive Office of the Governor, for the purpose of establishing a comprehensive statewide approach for the promotion of adoption, support of adoptive families and prevention of child abuse, abandonment and neglect. The duties and responsibilities of the Office of Adoption and Child Protection are enshrined in Section 39.001, Florida Statutes (§39.001, FS), entitled Proceedings Relating to Children.
The Office of Adoption and Child Protection is the Governor’s liaison with agencies, governments and the public on matters that relate to the promotion of adoption, support of adoptive families, and child abuse prevention. The Office of Adoption and Child Protection is responsible for the development, implementation and monitoring of a strategic program and funding initiative that links the separate jurisdictional activities of state agencies with respect to the promotion of adoption, support of adoptive families, and child abuse prevention. The Office of Adoption and Child Protection oversees statewide public awareness campaigns and cultivates public and private support for these campaigns. With the assistance of the Department of Children and Families the Office of Adoption and Child Protection advises the Governor and Legislature on the status of the strategic plan.
2023 Annual Report for the Office of Adoption and Child Protection
Adoption Incentive Annual Report 2020
The Governor’s Office of Adoption and Child Protection also leads, staffs, or supports the following:
Next Child Abuse Prevention and Permanency Plan (CAPP) Webinar
May 11th, 2021
9:30am-10:30am EDT
Click HERE to register
Email to be added to the distribution list
2021 Meeting Materials
2020 Meeting Materials
2019 Meeting Materials
2018 Meeting Materials
- Reporting Abuse During COVID-19 Infographic
- COVID-19 Resources for Parents and Caregivers Infographic
- Reporting Abuse During COVID-19 for Educators Infographic
Florida Public Awareness Topics:
2021 Florida Public Awareness Calendar
2021 Pinwheels for Prevention Statewide Campaign Toolkit
Protective Factors Webinar Series
- Parental Resilience
- Social Connections
- Concrete Supports
- Knowledge of Parenting and Child Development
- Social and Emotional Competence
Florida Children and Youth Cabinet
Florida Faith-Based and Community-Based Advisory Council
Governor’s Office of Adoption and Child Protection’s Meeting Advisories