Office of the Chief Inspector General
Chief Inspector General
850 / 717-9264
850 / 921-0817 (fax)
The Office of the Chief Inspector General was created in Section 14.32, Florida Statutes, effective October 1, 1994. This office has the responsibility for promoting accountability, integrity, and efficiency in state government. The Chief Inspector General has responsibility for monitoring the activities of the Offices of Inspectors General in the state agencies that are under the jurisdiction of the Governor. The Chief Inspector General also serves in accordance with 20.055, Florida Statutes, as the agency Inspector General for the Office of the Governor. The Chief Inspector General reports directly to the Governor both administratively and functionally.
Within the Office of Chief Inspector General, there are two distinct functions: audits and investigations.
The audit function is an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve the Office of the Governor’s operations or operations funded by the Office of the Governor. In carrying out the audit responsibilities, the Chief Inspector General reviews and evaluates internal controls to ensure fiscal accountability of the agency. Audits are conducted in accordance with professional auditing standards.
In carrying out the investigative duties, the Chief Inspector General initiates, conducts, supervises, and coordinates investigations designed to detect, deter, prevent, and eradicate fraud, waste, mismanagement, misconduct, and other abuses in government.
The Office of the Chief Inspector General DOES NOT handle inquiries regarding delayed payment from the OUR Florida Emergency Rental Assistance program. For issues involving the OUR Florida Emergency Rental Assistance program, please contact the Department of Children and Families, Office of Inspector General directly at
Additionally, in accordance with sections 218.50-218.504, Florida Statutes, Local Governmental Entity and District School Board Financial Emergencies, the Office of the Chief Inspector General has been delegated the responsibilities by the Governor for determining if state assistance is needed when a local governmental entity meets one or more of the conditions specified in section 218.503(1), Florida Statutes. If you are a Local Government Entity and you want to notify the Office of the Governor that you have met a condition of a financial emergency, you may send an email to the Office of the Governor at (please include “Financial Emergency Condition” in the subject line) or call (850) 717-9264.